Monday, July 21, 2008

Yes! I'm still an Australian.

Only 611 days after my arrival in Canada I was officially presented with my Permanent Residence (PR) status today.
After getting a letter with my interview appointment time I turned up as the letter suggested by myself, armed only with 2 passport photos and my passport. Strangely enough the letter actually requested that only people who's name was on the letter should attend the interview due to space restrictions, so I was quite surprised when I arrived to a waiting room full of couples....about 40 in total. I'm not joking when I say that I was the only person at the office without a partner. As Cammie is sponsoring my application to stay in Canada I thought for a moment that maybe she had to be there in order for me to get my PR card, hence all the other people, so I quickly pulled out the letter again to check I hadn't read it wrong. I was correct, the letter did specifically ask only the permanent residence applicant attend. Why all the extra people then I hear you ask?! Anyway, after realising that I would still be able to get my PR card even without Cammie in attendance we were all led into the presentation room which is when I learned that what was described as an 'interview' in the letter was actually more of an semi-official ceremony. There was a stage with 2 large Canadian flags, a big Canadian Coat of Arms on the wall and an official presenter......I was starting to feel a little sad sitting there all by myself!! :-(
One by one we were called up asked a few questions relating to our criminal background and presented with our paperwork, a small Canadian flag and a copy of the "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms". All the proud new Canadian residents stood up there with their new Residency Status and posed for pictures with the flag and shook hands with the was all very exciting one took any photos of me!! I did take this one when we got home especially for the blog.
Yes, I still am and always will consider myself to be an Australian, and a proud Australian at that! After today though I am also a relieved Australian, who is now considered to be a legal landed immigrant of Canada and no longer has to live with the immense fear that shortly after the birth of his son he may be evicted from the country, forcing his wife into a life of crime in order to provide food and shelter for our baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and I am very proud of how well you have done since you came to Canada. I am also relieved that we dont have to worry anymore about you being forced to leave the country - not that we ever thought that was to happen.